If you want to contact players on your UpStage instance – for example to inform them about performances or workshops, advise them of upcoming maintenance, or inform them of any other changes to the instance – you can do this easily through the email notification system.
In the Studio, hover your cursor over the cog icon in the left-hand menu, and select Email Notification from the dropdown menu. A form appears. Enter a meaningful subject in the first field.
If you want to email every player on this instance:
- Click the upper green arrow between the list of available players on the left, and the “To” list in the middle. This will move all players to the “To” field.
- Unless the players all know each other, you should use the “BCC” field; this means that their email addresses will not be exposed to each other. Simply click the upper green arrow between the “To” and “BCC” lists. All the players will move to the “BCC” list on the right.
- Enter your message in the text field below the player lists.
- Finally, click “Send” at the top right.
If you want to email one or more specific players:
- Start typing the username or email address of the player in the search field at the top of the available player list.
- Click on the player you want, and it will move to the “To” field.
- Remember to move players to the BCC field if you are emailing players who don’t know each other.
- Enter your message in the text field and click “Send”.
If you want to email nearly all the players, but not some, for example guest accounts:
- Follow the steps above to email all players, so that alll players are in the “To” or “BCC” lists.
- Use the search field to find the specific players you don’t want to email – for example if it’s guest accounts that have the username Guest1, Guest2 and so on, you can start typing Guest and the list will reduce to only show those accounts.
- Use the lower of the two arrows to move the players to the left, back to the “Available players” list.
- Enter your message in the text field and click “Send”.
Note that there are fields between the player lists and the message field where you can add additional emails that are not attached to player accounts.